
Title IX

Title IX Resources

You Are Not Alone

Emergency Information and Resources

There are a variety of emergency resources available if you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault or other forms of sexual discrimination at Western New England University.

Center for Health and Well-Being

At the Center for Health and Well-Being, caring, licensed professionals provide confidential help to students with personal, social, and educational concerns.

Department of Public Safety

The Department of Public Safety is committed to providing the highest level of professional police and public safety services to foster a safe learning and working environment for all.

Title IX

Sexualized violence and misconduct are behaviors not tolerated at Western New England University. If you or someone you know has experienced any form of sexual discrimination at Western New England, you are encouraged to report the incident and seek assistance.

Role of the Advisor

It is important to understand the role advisors play in Title IX proceedings. Either the Complainant or Respondent in a Title IX proceeding may seek assistance from an advisor of the student's choice.