Empowering Parents
At Western New England University we believe that families often make the difference in a student's college experience. That is why all parents of full-time undergraduates are members of the Parents Association. Annual dues, which are voluntary contributions to the Association, are established to further enhance Association activities and programs. Membership and contributing dues solicitation occurs on an annual basis.
The Parents Association is directed by parent representatives with the advice and assistance of the Vice President of Student Affairs and the Director for Operations and Outreach. The annual meeting of the Association is held each fall semester during Family and Friends Weekend. Meetings are held quarterly, usually in connection with activities scheduled on the campus. Parents are encouraged to participate in this context.
In 1978, a small group of parents led by Ralph and Barbara Ertel and staff from the Western New England Division of Student Affairs joined together to recognize and formally constitute the educational partnership which exists between student and parent. Since that time, leadership has continued to be provided.