
University News

Western New England University Students Inducted into Pi Alpha Theta National Honor Society

Published: April 20, 2024 | Categories: Arts and Sciences, All News
Hampden County District Attorney Anthony Gulluni

Hampden County District Attorney Anthony Gulluni addresses new Pi Alpha Theta inductees.

The Western New England University chapter of Pi Alpha Theta National Honor Society welcomed 14 students at the University's annual induction ceremony on April 18 in the D'Amour Library.

Phi Alpha Theta is the history honor society. The society promotes the study of history through the engagement of research, good teaching, publication, and the exchange of ideas. The society seeks to bring students, teacher, and writers of history together for intellectual and social exchanges which promote and assist historical research and publication.

The following students were inducted: , , , , , , , , , , , , , and .

Hampden County District Attorney Anthony D. Gulluni ('03/L'07) served as this year's guest lecture to celebrate the academic achievements of students dedicated to the field of history. Professor of History Dr. John Baick awarded the certificates.