
Students walking on campus


Evaluating Student Success


To guide the development of a systematic and continuously improving process of assessing academic effectiveness in educating our students in a manner consistent with the Institution’s Mission Statement.


To work with faculty and administrators to:
  • Create and maintain assessment processes that are meaningful, measurable and manageable.
  • Coordinate the assessment of the General University Requirements.
  • Support academic departments in their annual assessment endeavors and the assessment component of their program review.
  • Support the Colleges in coordinating efforts in their assessment processes.
  • Collaborate with members of the University Assessment Team to educate and inform faculty members about assessment endeavors and to share information across the Colleges.
  • Support institutional efforts in collecting academic data and preparing reports for internal use and for submission to the respective accrediting organizations.

Contact Information

Josephine Rodriguez, Associate Provost

Lisa Hansen, Director of Assessment

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